PCM Computational Applications


Welcome to the PCM Computational Applications Research Group webpage.

About us

PCM Computational Applications (where PCM stands for Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics) is a computational physics and applied mathematics research group that uses analytical theory and computer simulations to understand interesting phenomena in different fields of physics, chemestry and mathematics. Our research focuses mainly on the study of mechanical and magnetic properties of nano and bulk materials. As part of our work, we also have developed an open-source software package, 𝕍egas, for the atomistic simulation of magnetic materials.

Where are we located ?

Our research group is located at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Sede Manizales - Campus La Nubia.

The bosses

Our research group has two bosses. Dr. Elisabeth Restrepo Parra is in charge of the research in physics and chemestry, and Dr. Juan Carlos Riaño Rojas is in charge of the research in applied mathematics.

PCM Computational Applications, designed by:jdalzatec,dasabogals,odarbelaeze