PCM Computational Applications


Sebastián Ramírez Ramírez

Physical EngineerStudent of Master in Science - Physicsseramirezra@unal.edu.co


  • B.Sc. in Engineering Physics, Universidad Nacional De Colombia, 2014.

Current Research

  • I am a physics engineer in the PCM Applications Group and professor of Plasma Physics in Universidad Nacional de Colombia at the Department of Physics and Chemistry. My research speciality is plasma astrophysics, with connections to materials plasma processing. In laboratory plasmas, I have studied theoretically and numerically the plasma phenomena in cathodic arc discharges used to produce hard coatings. My Master thesis consists in perform numerical simulations of magnetic field energy and topology. In particular, I am studying the mechanism by which magnetic field is decaying in isolated neutron stars. I am interested in studying the stability/instability of Ohmic modes and Hall equilibria under non - axisymmetric perturbations.


  1. S. Ramírez-Ramírez and D. Sabogal-Suárez and D. Escobar-Rincón and J. de la Roche-Yepes and E. Restrepo-Parra and P.J. Arango-Arango, Thermal Stability of WC Coatings Produced by DC Magnetron Sputtering, Momento,49, N/A, (2014), pp. 57-68.
PCM Computational Applications, designed by:jdalzatec,dasabogals,odarbelaeze