PCM Computational Applications

š¯•¨egas is an open-source software package that provides the required tools to build, simulate and analyze magnetic systems. š¯•¨egas is hosted in GitHub.

The main features of š¯•¨egas are the following:

  • Magnetic systems are described by the classical Heisenberg model, and simulations are carried out using the Monte Carlo method.
  • The building and simulation of a great variety of magnetic systems, with different structural and magnetic characteristics, can be made with high flexibility.
  • The history of the simulation is stored, which allows to study the dynamic and static behavior from a single simulation.
  • Temperature/field evolution of the magnetic configuration of the system can be computed and visualized.
  • š¯•¨egas can be run directly on Linux 64 bits and Windows 8 (or later) operating systems.

The model and method, installation, system building, simulation and data analysis processes of š¯•¨egas, along with some tutorials, can be found in the next sections:

PCM Computational Applications, designed by:jdalzatec,dasabogals,odarbelaeze