PCM Computational Applications

Building an 2D Ising film

Let’s build a 2D Ising film with simple cubic structure and periodic boundary conditions.

Import the required libraries

  • numpy handles numeric arrays and mathematical operations.
  • product returns cartesian product of input iterables.
  • matplotlib produces figures.
  • defaultdict is a dictionary where each value has a defined type.
import numpy
from itertools import product
from matplotlib import pyplot
from collections import defaultdict

Define the edge length of the film (L) measured in magnetic unit cells (muc).

L = 10

Define the spin value (spin) and the nearest neighbors exchange interaction constant (jex). jex = 1.0 is taken as the unit of energy. Also, define the update policy for the direction of the magnetic moments. In this case, the spin update policy is an spin flip (flip) to recreate the Ising model.

spin = 1.0
kan = 0.0
jex = 1.0
update_policy = "flip"

Create a list of sites.

sites = list()
for site in product(range(0, L), range(0, L), range(0, 1)):

Convert the previous list to numpy arrays.

positions = numpy.array(sites)

Generate a 2D graphic of the film.

fig = pyplot.figure(figsize=(8, 8))
pyplot.scatter(positions[:, 0], positions[:, 1],
           s=100, color="silver", edgecolor="black")
pyplot.xlabel(r"$x$", fontsize=20)
pyplot.ylabel(r"$y$", fontsize=20)
pyplot.xlim(-1, L)
pyplot.ylim(-1, L)


Identify the neighbors of each magnetic moment and store them in a dictionary. Periodic boundary conditions are established. Because all the sites are located in the xyxy plane, periodic boundary conditions are imposed in the xx and yy directions, but they are not imposed in the zz direction.

nhbs = defaultdict(list)
for site in sites:
    x, y, z = site
    for dx, dy in [(1.0, 0.0),
                   (-1.0, 0.0),
                   (0.0, 1.0),
                   (0.0, -1.0)]:
        nhb = ((x + dx) % L, (y + dy) % L, z)
        if nhb in sites:

Make some verifications: that each site has 44 neighbors, that the neighbors of each site are 1.01.0 muc away, and that each site is in the neighbors list of each of its neighbors. If two sites are neighbors because of the periodic boundary conditions, they are not 1.01.0 muc away. However, one of the 99 replicas must be this distance away.

for site in sites:
    assert len(nhbs[site]) == 4
    for nhb in nhbs[site]:
        assert site in nhbs[nhb]
        dists = list()
        for x in [-L, 0, L]:
            for y in [-L, 0, L]:
                dists.append(numpy.linalg.norm(numpy.array(site) + (x, y, 0) - numpy.array(nhb)))
        assert (9 - numpy.count_nonzero(numpy.array(dists) - 1.0) == 1)

Create a dictionary to identify the type of each site, which in this case is generic for all sites.

types = dict()
for site in sites:
    types[site] = "generic"

The external magnetic field is applied along the +z+z axis.

field_axis = dict()
for site in sites:
    field_axis[site] = (0.0, 0.0, 1.0)

Count the number of interactions equal to the sum of the neighbors of each site, and the number of sites as the length of the list of the sites.

num_interactions = 0
for site in sites:
    num_interactions += len(nhbs[site])
num_sites = len(sites)

The number of interactions must be equal to the number of sites multiplied by 44. This is because, due to the periodic boundary conditions, each site has 44 neighbors.

assert (num_interactions == (num_sites * 4))

Create the file to store the sample.

sample_file = open("sample_L_%s.dat" % L, mode="w")

Write in the first line of sample_file the number of sites, interactions and types:

sample_file.write("{} {} {}\n".format(num_sites, num_interactions, len(set(types.values()))))
print(num_sites, num_interactions, len(set(types.values())))
100 400 1

Write the ion types on a different line each one.

for t in sorted(set(types.values())):

Write the parameters of each site according to the established format.

for site in sites:
    i = sites.index(site)
    t = types[site]
    sample_file.write("{} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {}\n".format(
        i, *site, spin, *field_axis[site], t, update_policy))

Write the exchange interactions between every pair of neighbors.

for site in sites:
    t = types[site]
    for nhb in nhbs[site]:
        nhb_t = types[nhb]
        sample_file.write("{} {} {}\n".format(
            sites.index(site), sites.index(nhb), jex))

Close the file.


The result of this script is the creation of one file: sample.dat, which stores the structural properties of the 2D Ising film.

PCM Computational Applications, designed by:jdalzatec,dasabogals,odarbelaeze